Saturday, April 27, 2013


"Hey honey how's my hair look"

"Looks thin at the top"

"I know I'm going bald stop reminding me. I meant my beard. How's my beard?"

I'm not bald yet but it's coming. Those thin, somewhat sparse hairs right above my forehead are sticking around for awhile I hope. I'm thinking there must be a direct relationship to the amount of hair on my head and the hair on my face. Seems the longer and bushier my beard gets the more sparse my hair gets. Or at least the hair on my head feels jealous; If hair had feelings that is.

Only 27 (I think) and my hair is leaving me. I'm not bald by any means and I've seen worse for sure. As long as I have my beard i'll be happy I suppose. Did I mention I'm a father of almost two (that's gotta stop the great hair migration right?). The almost baby is still in the oven, figuratively of course; because literal oven would be considered child abuse.

Another girl, exciting! So if I can do math that's almost 3 ladies in the house (wife, 21 month old, and ~negative two week old). Meaning I will forever be out numbered and out voted by the ladies of the house. Hopefully I can turn one into a tom boy or convert them to be daddies girls.

I think I have a good head start on the daddies girls though. For you see, I am a SAHD. No I did not misspell sad, nor am I emotionally sad. It stands for Stay At Home Dad.

SAHDs are the lazy bums who sit at home, jobless, playing video games, and ignore their children for the better part of the day. As far as my parents are concerned; that's the way it is. It seems that they are partially right though. Bet you thought I was going to say they are dead wrong.

Well it's true; I am jobless, I play video games, and I do ignore my child. Not in the same sense you might think. I only ignore her while she is sleeping and therefore play video games to pass the time. The little one sleeps for 1.5 hours during they day so yay video games. There's also bed time. That's where the majority of gaming happens.

I'm not limited to video games though. The wife loves board games so I indulge her once in awhile. Can't ignore her too much either. Luckily the games she likes, I like playing too (except the ones I lose at). To get even with her I pull out the x-wing miniatures game. Who doesn't love Star Wars.

So there you have it. The first post from the NBD (NerdyBeardedDaddy) more to follow so stay tuned.

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