Saturday, September 21, 2013

Grunt grunt fart

Grunt grunt fart, grunt grunt fart poo-splosion up the front... well that's different. Usually it's all up the back. Its probably because little Zoey has been hanging out on her stomach all the time. Try putting her on her back and she insta-flips. She's only 4 months old coming up to 5 months in 3 weeks. I'm not ready for her to crawl. She's actually pretty good at moving around as it is, but at least she stays in the living room. She maneuvers around doing 360's (not like a dog chasing it's tale, shes pretty slow). Her other method of transportation is teleportation; if you put her in the middle of the room she some how ends up under the computer chairs, chewing on the legs like a little puppy would (probably cause shes starting to teeth).

On another note, I've recently started to learn how to program C++. I've been learning off and on over the years never fully putting my time into it. I'm taking the course through the public library which is free (FTW). It's pretty complex, yet easy at the same time. At first it was the basics which I think I've covered ten times over the years so it felt pretty repetitive. Now that its getting deeper I'm beginning to like it more. The hope is to one day make a game. Unfortunately I'm going to have to learn how to make some art assets, I'm not very artistic so we shall see how that goes.

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